Posts Tagged ‘bartholin gland cyst


Bartholin Gland Abscess

Five days ago, a pea-sized bump has appeared… it wasn’t painful, just made me a bit uncomfy.  I’m a cystic person and didn’t want to aggravate my condition so I immediately opened my laptop and searched for similar cases online.  Maybe the early symptom was too common because the search results pointed to varied diseases such as boil, dermatofibroma, wart, infected hair follicle, etc.  I then decided to wait until the next day for another symptom or change to occur.

On the second day, the bump has gone bigger and redder and the pain began to increase both in frequency and severity.  From the readings I’ve done, at that point, I was pretty certain that it was a Bartholin Cyst.  My husband became so worried and pleaded me to go see an Ob/Gyn already for proper diagnosis and treatment.  I refused because I was sure the doctor will recommend surgery (based on my readings) and besides WebMD said it would go away with hot baths.

As I’ve learned from medical websites and from the experiences of women who had it, I did sitz baths — as hot as I can stand it at least 3x a day.  The addition of 2 cups epsom salt diluted in the water greatly helped.  Some say that a hot compress (very hot one) is as good as a sitz bath, so you can take that option if you don’t always have the privacy to do the baths.  After each sitz bath, I pressed a cotton pad with 5 drops of pure tea tree oil on to the cyst for about 30 minutes.  That same day a portion of the skin surrounding the lower part of the cyst peeled off on its own, however, it still didn’t come to a head.  Up to now I cringe at the thought of it.

On the third day, it grew as big as a golf ball.  It was so painful that I couldn’t walk, even barely stand.  The only position that gave me a little relief was to lay on my side.  When I woke up that morning I noticed little red spots similar to measles on my legs and arms.  I usually get those the day after having a fever, and so I thought maybe I had fever during my sleep.  But I was also thinking it might have been an allergic reaction to tea tree oil, so I continued only with the sitz baths that day.

The worst part about this cyst was the fear. I was afraid to go to the doctor, but worried that I couldn’t handle it all by myself.  It was scary and painful, but I was telling myself that God will surely help me go through it.

By the fourth day, the red spots disappeared a bit so I figured it must have really been the tea tree oil.  Indeed, I was allergic to it.  I knew my condition was something serious, but I also knew I had a God who is bigger than ANY disease.  I have been praying fervently, and even prayed with Pastor Benny Hinn while watching his Good Friday Service online.  After praying and crying to the Lord, I felt some relief though the size remained the same.  The Lord touched me, and while it was not instant healing, I knew He was leading me to the right “treatment”.  I’ve read a success story on tea tree oil so I went on with the treatment again despite the allergic reaction I would get.  Overnight, I left the cotton pad with 5 drops of pure tea tree oil pressed on the cyst and believed that the abscess will drain the following morning.

As I woke up the following morning, the 5th day, I didn’t feel any pain.  I immediately checked on the cyst and guess what? The abscess has drained itself in the cotton pad! The swelling gradually went down, and the itchiness, I believe, is brought about by the healing process.  I still have a tiny lump but it’s so small I believe it could be gone tomorrow.  It helped a lot that I prayed and read my bible (“O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You have healed me.” –Psalm 30:2) and acted early on the bump.  I thank the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness! :)

My intention is to give you hope instead of fear.  I hope my experience can help those who are currently suffering from this painful disease.  The treatment methods I used might work for you, to some extent, but I found it much more helpful to pray and believe that God will heal you.

May 2024


May 2024