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Bartholin Gland Abscess

Five days ago, a pea-sized bump has appeared… it wasn’t painful, just made me a bit uncomfy.  I’m a cystic person and didn’t want to aggravate my condition so I immediately opened my laptop and searched for similar cases online.  Maybe the early symptom was too common because the search results pointed to varied diseases such as boil, dermatofibroma, wart, infected hair follicle, etc.  I then decided to wait until the next day for another symptom or change to occur.

On the second day, the bump has gone bigger and redder and the pain began to increase both in frequency and severity.  From the readings I’ve done, at that point, I was pretty certain that it was a Bartholin Cyst.  My husband became so worried and pleaded me to go see an Ob/Gyn already for proper diagnosis and treatment.  I refused because I was sure the doctor will recommend surgery (based on my readings) and besides WebMD said it would go away with hot baths.

As I’ve learned from medical websites and from the experiences of women who had it, I did sitz baths — as hot as I can stand it at least 3x a day.  The addition of 2 cups epsom salt diluted in the water greatly helped.  Some say that a hot compress (very hot one) is as good as a sitz bath, so you can take that option if you don’t always have the privacy to do the baths.  After each sitz bath, I pressed a cotton pad with 5 drops of pure tea tree oil on to the cyst for about 30 minutes.  That same day a portion of the skin surrounding the lower part of the cyst peeled off on its own, however, it still didn’t come to a head.  Up to now I cringe at the thought of it.

On the third day, it grew as big as a golf ball.  It was so painful that I couldn’t walk, even barely stand.  The only position that gave me a little relief was to lay on my side.  When I woke up that morning I noticed little red spots similar to measles on my legs and arms.  I usually get those the day after having a fever, and so I thought maybe I had fever during my sleep.  But I was also thinking it might have been an allergic reaction to tea tree oil, so I continued only with the sitz baths that day.

The worst part about this cyst was the fear. I was afraid to go to the doctor, but worried that I couldn’t handle it all by myself.  It was scary and painful, but I was telling myself that God will surely help me go through it.

By the fourth day, the red spots disappeared a bit so I figured it must have really been the tea tree oil.  Indeed, I was allergic to it.  I knew my condition was something serious, but I also knew I had a God who is bigger than ANY disease.  I have been praying fervently, and even prayed with Pastor Benny Hinn while watching his Good Friday Service online.  After praying and crying to the Lord, I felt some relief though the size remained the same.  The Lord touched me, and while it was not instant healing, I knew He was leading me to the right “treatment”.  I’ve read a success story on tea tree oil so I went on with the treatment again despite the allergic reaction I would get.  Overnight, I left the cotton pad with 5 drops of pure tea tree oil pressed on the cyst and believed that the abscess will drain the following morning.

As I woke up the following morning, the 5th day, I didn’t feel any pain.  I immediately checked on the cyst and guess what? The abscess has drained itself in the cotton pad! The swelling gradually went down, and the itchiness, I believe, is brought about by the healing process.  I still have a tiny lump but it’s so small I believe it could be gone tomorrow.  It helped a lot that I prayed and read my bible (“O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You have healed me.” –Psalm 30:2) and acted early on the bump.  I thank the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness! :)

My intention is to give you hope instead of fear.  I hope my experience can help those who are currently suffering from this painful disease.  The treatment methods I used might work for you, to some extent, but I found it much more helpful to pray and believe that God will heal you.


Prevent Spreading Viruses and Infection

Proper hand washing can stop spread 99% of the germs that travel via droplets, and that covers a lot of illnesses, including most flu viruses.  It’s important to wash your hands:

  • Before, during, and after you prepare food especially if you will hold raw meat or fresh eggs;
  • Before you eat;
  • After sneezing, coughing, or using a handkerchief or tissue;
  • After you use the bathroom, whether you will sit on the bowl or not;
  • After holding/playing with your pet, especially after handling its waste;
  • After handling garbage;
  • Before and after changing a baby’s diaper

How you wash your hands is just as important as when you wash them, especially when it comes to eliminating germs. Just rinsing hands quickly is not enough.  Follow these steps when you wash your hands:

  1. Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds in warm water and with soap. Bacteria and viruses bind to the soap. Point your fingertips toward the bottom of the sink. Keep your hands lower than your elbows so the soap, water, and germs run down the drain, not down your arms.  Small children may need to stand on a stool in order to get their elbows higher than their hands.
  2. Pay special attention to your fingernails, between your fingers, and areas that look dirty.
  3. Don’t touch anything while you are washing your hands.
  4. Rinse your hands and wrists well, then dry them with a clean towel. Paper towels are best because they can be thrown away. Let the water run while you dry your hands.
  5. Use the towel to turn off the water; don’t touch the faucet with your clean, dry hands.

Unsure if you have scrubbed for 30 seconds? Sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself twice while washing your hands :)

(Proper washing steps courtesy of The Health Pages)


Dark Eye Circles: A Woman’s Nightmare

Dark circles are quite common but they are usually temporary and can be treated.  It may be hereditary, but in my case, they appear whenever I’m stressed or have below 4 hours of sleep in a day.  But wait, let me explain further.  My Dermatologist clarified that dark circles being the result of hard partying, working late, being tired or allergies is a myth.  They actually are not that far off from the contributors to dark circles, but they’re not the actual physical cause.  Maybe people think so because dark circles appear when one lacks sleep as it makes the skin pale, therefore allowing the blood underneath the skin to become more visible and appear bluer or darker.

According to Dr. Robert Shmerling of the Harvard Health Publications, there are several reasons why dark, puffy eyes develop:

  • Aging — The skin around the eyes is normally thinner and looser than skin elsewhere in the body.  As we age, it becomes even looser and thinner.  This allows fluid to collect, causing a puffy appearance.  Veins under the skin can create the dark appearance of the skin.
  • Sleep Position — Lying horizontally can encourage fluid to collect beneath the eyes.  It also promotes dilation of the veins under the eyes, which darkens the appearance of the skin even more.  These veins drain into the nose.  Nasal congestion or seasonal allergies also cause the veins under the eyes to dilate.  Dark circles are so common with allergies, they’re sometimes called “allergic shiners”.
  • Fluid Retention — Anything that causes fluid retention, such as pre-menstrual bloating can increase puffiness around the eyes.
  • A Medical Problem — Puffy eyes may be the first sign of fluid retention due to medical problem such as kidney or liver disease.  Puffy eyes can also be a side effect of medication you are taking.  If you develop new, significant swelling around the eyes that does not improve, contact your doctor especially if you notice fluid retention elsewhere in the body.

Mine was just a minor case of dark circles, but I didn’t want to walk around looking like a zombie so I looked for remedies.  I’ve tried eye creams, reasonably-priced and expensive alike, but none of them worked even with 2 years of continuous use.  I then decided to get to the root of it, and I was happy with the results.  Here are some natural ways to prevent dark circles from forming:

  1. Don’t take too much Vitamin A.  Excess vitamin A or an overdose of Retin-A is very likely to cause liver problems, which can cause dark circles under eyes.  Knowing how to control vitamin A levels and how to heal the liver naturally will allow you to have healthier body and radiant facial skin without dark circles.
  2. Avoid food high in sugar.  Sugar is the enemy for people suffering severe dark circles. Research about the action of insulin shows that sugar can lead not only to weight problems, but also skin problems through inflammatory responses as well as their effect on protein which can age the skin and the body prematurely through a process called Glycation. Inflammation leads to eye puffiness and dark circles.
  3. Cut down on your daily intake of salt.  Salt produces fluid retention, and this increases the pressure in the small capillaries in your eye area aggravating dark circles.  It is very important to know what an acceptable level of sodium is and how much you should cut from your diet in order to see improvements in your dark circles.

There’s a book called Dark Circles Miracle that promises freedom from dark circles in just 2 weeks.  They say that their process can easily be integrated into one’s daily routine… I visited their website and found the testimonials to be very interesting.  You can read about it or purchase your copy in their website.


Getting Rid of Bacne (Back Acne)

I was in Sephora yesterday and overheard a woman returning a spot treatment acne gel.  Apparently, the $18 product aggravated her bacne.  I relayed it to a friend whom I know is using the same product and found out that she has quit using it — she said it’s way too expensive for what it can do.  Just recently, she discovered cost-efficient yet effective ways to treat her bacne:

  1. Bathe in the morning, after exercising or if you have had excessive sweating, and at night before going to bed — make sure that the back is clean.  Some areas of the back may be difficult to reach, so use a long-handled gentle brush to thoroughly clean it.
  2. Use an exfoliating body scrub containing salycilic acid*, AHA* or benzoyl peroxide*.  Leave it on for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. [*Actives that help dry out existing pimples and remove dead skin that clogs pores.]
  3. After each bath, apply a pimple cream that contains 10% benzoyl peroxide on each bump.

While bacne is known to be hereditary, some acquire it from bacteria.  In addition, when pores are clogged by dirt, oil, and environmental pollutants, the skin may be more prone to breaking out.  Here are some tips to avoid having bacne:

  • Don’t wear tight clothes like tank tops, sport bras or heavy backpacks especially when you sweat easily.  Tight clothes cause your perspiration to stay on your skin, and this may cause your pores to clog.  Use natural fabrics like cotton to help wick sweat away.
  • Change your towels, pillowcases and bedsheets frequently.  In washing them, do not use detergents and fabric conditioners that contain irritating ingredients.
  • Avoid hair conditioners containing panthenol, because it can clog the pores.  Also make sure to rinse off conditioner residue on your back every time you take a shower.
  • Get a back cleansing (the steps are the same as a facial).  It is so relaxing, and can really deep clean your skin.

Best of all, see a dermatologist as soon as you notice something different on your skin.  Remember that prevention is always better than cure :)


Aging Gracefully

Only a few are lucky in the lottery of gene inheritance.  While the genes contribute a lot to young-looking and beautiful skin, it’s also crucial how we treat our skin and body through our lifetime.  During our youth, our skin exudes a certain kind of radiance and vitality — the scientists I’ve worked with in a skincare company said that radiance is actually a visual effect of a well-functioning skin.  As we age, our skin loses the ability to retain moisture so it becomes drier, more flaky, and reveals the results of exposure to the environment which was accumulated over the years.

It helps to get our skincare regimen address the changes as we age to keep our skin looking at its best.  Understanding the physiologic changes that occur each decade can help in taking care of the skin better.  I believe attaining healthy skin is never too late; here are suggested regimens to prevent premature aging in the years to come:

In the 30s, most women start to see the first signs of aging.  These signs are accelerated in those who have spent extensive time under the sun during their younger years — skin easily becomes dry and uneven-toned; and fine expression lines begin to appear.

  1. Sunscreen is a daily necessity.  It helps prevent continued sun-induced cell breakdown and uneven skin.  It’s essential that your product contains both broad spectrum UVB (ultraviolet B light) and UVA (skin-aging and cancer-inducing) ingredients.
  2. Use moisturizers that utilize the best anti-aging technology to help rehydrate the skin as well as heal damaged skin.
  3. Take antioxidants because it’s the best way to fight skin damage that is caused by environmental stressors such as cigarette smoke, pollution, etc.  The best topical antioxidants are idebenone, amino-peptides, coffeeberry, green tea extract, Q10, vitamins C and E.

In the 40s, changes a decade ago become more pronounced.  During this decade, skin changes are primarily due to pre-menopausal effects occuring in the body.  The skin’s collagen starts to breakdown and the elastic tissue starts to lose some elasticity; skin appears duller; skin starts to lose tightness; fine expression lines appear around the eyes and mouth; and signs of photo-aging (sunspots, blotchiness, uneveness, lines) increase.

  1. Daily sun protection is a must.
  2. Don’t use bar soaps because they tend to dry the skin so they are not recommended for use on aging skin.  Instead, use soap-free cleansers as they effectively cleanse without stripping off the moisture.
  3. Moisturizers particularly taking  advantage of ingredients like hyaluronic acid are best.
  4. Antioxidants are more important at this point, not just for their preventive benefits, but because they can correct cell damage, leading to improved appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Use eye creams that contain hydrating ingredients and retinol.
  6. Exfoliate with cleansers or lotions to increase cell turnover and bring out more radiant skin.

In the 50s, estrogen levels drop due to post-menopause so the skin’s natural oil production decreases.  The skin also gets more fragile, therefore it’s injured easily and is slow to heal.  There is also increased loss of elasticity, especially around the eyes.  Expression lines and wrinkles are deeper and eyelids begin to wrinkle.  The skin around the neck may also start to droop… and yes, at this stage the skin is more sensitive to aggressive anti-aging products.

  1. Still use sunscreens in a moisturizing base.
  2. It’s best to apply thick moisturizers as they are best suited for aging skin.
  3. Night creams are a must, especially the ones containing soothing, moisturizing ingredients.
  4. An eye cream containing corrective ingredients in a rich emollient formulation is good.

Efficient Packing

If you’ve struggled over which personal effects to bring, you’re certainly not alone. Packing for a trip is often a struggle — especially for us women — to distinguish what we want and what we need to bring.  I’m sure you agree that in traveling, less is best.  I’m sharing here some practices I’ve employed through the years in order for you to get rid of unnecessary excess baggage:

  1. Review the list of TSA-prohibited items before anything else.
  2. Gather your passport, ticket, valid ID and black/blue-inked pen in one purse and put it in an easy-access pocket of your carry-on or backpack.  It’s good to keep a scanned copy of your passport and paper tickets in your webmail in case you lose any of them during the trip.  Believe it or not, this will keep you stress-free.
  3. Divide your pocket money, even your credit cards, to the number of luggage/bags you’re going to bring.  This is to make sure you’d still survive  in case you get victimized by a thief.  But if you’re checking in some of the bags, make sure you wrap them in a manner than no one will ever think they are valuables.
  4. Do not lock bags you plan to check except with TSA-approved locks; otherwise, if any of them is selected for random screening, securities will have to break the lock to open.  It’s important to remember this because my Delsey bag’s zipper handle got broken and I suspect it was because they forced the lock I used for it.
  5. Keep any medication and important papers in your carry-on bag. On long flights with multiple stopovers (especially if flying via London, LA or other major airports), packing a fresh change of clothes is a good idea as bags tend to get delayed or lost on long haul, multiple stop flights. You don’t want to end up stuck without medication, clothes or your important papers even if it is just for a few days.
  6. If you want to make sure everything else in your bag stays clean and odor free, place your shoes inside airtight plastic bags.
  7. Don’t bring your entire dresser.  Solid shampoo bars and tooth powder (instead of tooth paste) can be easily located on the internet and make carry-on travel in this age of liquid restriction possible. Places like Beijing now bar all liquids in carry-on bags, and you’ll still be able to breeze through without checking. You can also use small bottles to repack shampoo or lotions so that you don’t have to always carry a big bottle with you. This is especially useful if you normally take these items in your carry-on luggage, which as of early 2007 is much more restricted than before.
  8. It is always handy to have a few plastic bags around certain items, especially toiletries. Not only does it counter any leaking, the bags can also come in useful to keep dirty clothes in, as garbage bags or even as a makeshift umbrella. Ziplock or other airtight plastic bags are the best.
  9. Pack everything in clear plastic bags, divided into items e.g. underwear, t-shirts, shorts etc. before packing in your suitcase or backpack — one plastic bag for each type of clothing. This is extremely useful in various ways. When you unpack your bag you just take out a series of bags and you can see immediately what you want, so an overnight stay somewhere just means taking 1 item out of a bag — no rummaging.  In addition, if you have to unpack at customs, instead of having to disgorge all your clothing out in front of everybody, you can calmly take maybe 4 bags out, the contents of which can be clearly seen by the officials. To repack then is also dead easy, just be sure not to leave your plastic bags lying around if you are traveling in nature.
  10. Take only half a tube of toothpaste rolled up tight, store shampoo in small containers, only take half a roll of toilet paper (for emergencies only) and crush it so the middle is folded.
  11. Pack only the clothes you know you will use and if you are traveling beyond 3 weeks, plan to wash them.
  • If you are packing things into a backpack, place the lighter items at the bottom and the heavier ones on top. Your bag will feel lighter this way as the pack rests on your lower back. It is also smart to place the things you use the most on top. Dirty clothes are perfect to pack at the bottom of a backpack.
  • Somehow it seems that bags will hold more if the clothes are rolled rather than folded. If you roll in tissue paper, the clothes will also get less wrinkled.

While carrying a lot of luggage is not recommendable, sometimes it is necessary in the case of relocation. If you have the option, fly via the US as airlines will allow you 64kg (two 32kg bags) instead of the 20kg in the rest of the world. Even if it is just a stopover in the US, you will be allowed to carry the extra weight.

Tips to speed-up security check:

  • Remember that you can only bring very limited amount of liquid and gel items in your carry-on bag.  Travel-sized containers (3 ounces US/100 ml EU or less) are allowed through airport security, but should be placed in ONE 1qt-sized plastic (clear ziplock-style bag).
  • The moment you reach the checkpoint, take off your coat/jacket and shoes; bring out mobile phones, keys, loose change from your pockets and put them in a bin.  Avoid wearing clothes, jewelry, and accessories that contain metal as they could set off the alarm on the metal detector.
  • Take your laptop, digicam, and videocam with cassettes out of their cases and place them in the bin, too.

I have surrendered gazillions of kikay stuff before I learned my lesson on airport security (well, I was being hard-headed most of the time).  My mom never failed to tell me that it’s best to make a list of the things to bring (especially those that you can’t be in-flight without) and pack them way ahead of time.  That’s a helpful one — for sure you wouldn’t want to ruin your day by surrendering personal effects to securities just so you can make it to your flight.  Just a sisterly advice :)


The Bible: World’s Most Amazing Book

My husband shares his “discoveries” from the History Channel from time to time, and I’m just so happy to know that a TV network like HC had a special feature about the Bible.  From that inspiring conversation, I have gathered amazing truths to share in this blog about the Greatest Book:

  • The Bible is the best-selling book of all time.  It has out-sold every book that has ever been written and it still sells more copies every year than any other book in the world.
  • The Bible is unique in its continuity,written over a thousand and five hundred-year time span by more than 40 authors from every walk of life; and has been translated to over 2500 languages.
  • The Bible has withstood the test of time.  Many have tried to burn/destroy it, and outlaw it, from the days of the Roman emperors to some present-day anti-Christ countries.
  • The Bible is the only volume ever produced which contains a large amount of prophecies accurately predicting the future of individual nations, people, cities, and the coming of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
  • Discovery after discovery by modern archeologists have proven the Bible’s absolute accuracy, which makes it a great source of history.

    And look what influential people have said about the Bible:

    • “Indeed, it is an indisputable fact that all the complex and horrendous questions confronting us at home and worldwide have their answer in that single book.”  –President Ronald Reagan
    • “No archeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference… and, by the same token, proper evaluation of biblical decriptions has often led to amazing discoveries.”  –Dr. Nelson Glueck
    • “It is no mere book, but a living creature that conquers all that face it.”  –Napoleon

    The Bible is so amazing! I feel so blessed to have received it separately as a birthday, graduation, Easter, Christmas, and wedding gift — I’ll forever be thankful to those who have given those copies.  You know who you are :)


    Ovarian Cysts No More

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 24, and have been doing my best to educate myself about it.  PCOS is caused by insulin resistance, which can lead to many other problems, including diabetes and heart disease.  Based on the consultations I had with doctors, there is no cure for PCOS — the symptoms are only manageable by medications and changes in diet and exercise.  Symptoms usually occur during adolescence but may also begin to appear in the early to mid-20s.  Some of the common physical symptoms include the following:

    • Irregular or absent menstrual period
    • Hirsutism (excessive hair growth on the face, chest, abdomen)
    • Infertility or reduced fertility
    • Obesity
    • Multiple cysts in the ovaries
    • Insulin resistance
    • Acne
    • Hair loss

    Having ovarian cysts can seriously interfere fertility and prevent from becoming pregnant.  Since our reproductive system is intelligent enough to know that our internal environment is unsafe for a new baby, many women who suffer from ovarian cysts find it almost impossible to get pregnant.  I was so concerned about my condition, yet I’m so afraid to see my OBgyn for treatment.  Apart from PCOS I also have a dermoid and the only way to remove it is through surgery (which I want to avoid as much as possible).

    I prayed so hard and with an extensive i-research, I found a website that offers a permanent cure for ovarian cysts without taking drugs, without the risky surgery, without the typical medications, and most importantly, without any side effects.  I immediately told my husband about it and he allowed me to get into the program.  “Ovarian Cysts No More” is a 150-page downloadable e-book with all the secret natural ovarian cysts cure methods, unique powerful techniques and the step-by step holistic ovarian cysts system that were discovered in over 11 years of research.

    The author’s name is Mary Parker.  She herself had PCOS and started testing her system on other ovarian cysts sufferers which yielded the same results.  In less than 7 weeks on average, 37 out of 37 women participating in her experiment had completely got rid of their ovarian cysts.  What’s more is that testimonials say that it worked on all types of ovarian cysts (Follicular cyst, Corpus Luteum cyst, Hemorrhagic cysts, Endometriomas cysts or Cystadenoma) and on all levels of severity and with women of any age.

    I’m on my 3rd day to the program and so far I’m feeling positive about it.  There’s no harm in trying, anyway it’s just a $39 (or P1,872)  investment with a money-back guarantee.  To go to the Ovarian Cysts No More sales page, click here.


    Home-Found Make-Up Remover

    I was devoted to Nars Makeup Remover because of its mild and fragrance-free formula that can be used even on the most sensitive skin, and yet is strong enough to remove even waterproof make-up.  Only a drop or two is necessary to remove everything on the face.

    olive oil

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    But last week, my Nars Make-Up Remover ran out so I had to look for a home “option”.  My mom said she read somewhere that extra virgin olive oil can remove make-up and that she still has something left in the kitchen.  I asked, “Extra virgin olive oil? The one where we dip our baguettes into?” And she answered, “Yes, the very same oil”.  So I went to the kitchen and covered the mouth of the bottle with a cotton pad, tipped the bottle over, then used it on my face.  In less than a minute… Voila! It removed my make-up, including my mascara!

    Since then, I’ve been using it on my face — it’s natural, leaves a soft after-feel, and cheap.  Moms really know best :-)


    Faking It Slim

    I started gaining unwanted weight at the age of 28.  Why do I say “unwanted”? Is there such a thing as “wanted weight”? Well, for the longest time I was really thin.  In fact, I even got into a weight gain program just to be 10lbs heavier.  But gone are the days and metabolism slowing down as we age will always be a universal truth.  While exercise remains to be the ideal way to cut down on the bulges, it’s a tough job to handle so I’m sharing with you some tricks to that optical illusion slim.

    First things first.  Always remember to accentuate your assets because it would draw the attention away from your problem areas.

    For the ARMS

    instant-arm-liftslimmer-sleeve2To “slenderize” your arms, use an arm shaper/minimizer underneath your quarter or long-sleeved tops.  Tres Sleek makes them using nicely-textured and smooth fabrics but you’ll be amazed how your arms get compressed.  If you are fond of wearing tees, transparent strips (a brand called Instant Arm Lift makes them) can help you get rid of flabby arms pretty well.



    But if any of these don’t appeal to you, you can either wear 3/4 (or slightly shorter) sleeves as they cut off the arms at a slim point which make them look slimmer; or floaty, voluminous, and fluted sleeves.

    For the WAIST/TUMMY


    Don’t wear low-rise hipster pants because they reveal the budge.  Instead, pair up your below-the-belly-button pants with banded tops or wear a belt right above your hips when wearing longer tops and dresses.  Most full, flowing skirts add volume to the lower body which give the illusion of a smaller waist by making the hips look fuller.  If you have extra bucks, get a body shaper because it can tuck the tummy and make the torso appear slimmer.

    For the LEGS


    Putting on a pair of dark-colored stockings will draw the attention away from your legs.  Pair them with boots and a skirt/dress. If you’re on the short side and want to add a little height, there is nothing better than pairing wide-leg pants with a pair of heels.  Just make sure you pick a pair of pants that doesn’t accentuate your waist.

    If you’re into athletics, your calves might look a little out of shape.  You can make your calves look slimmer by slipping on a pair of heels. You don’t have to wear super high heels to achieve this, any heel will pretty much do the job.

    Clothes shown above are courtesy of Promod and Weardrobe.

    May 2024
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    May 2024
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